

Never Choose The Wrong!
but if you do, you will suffer the consequences.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Valentines Day Story.

 Valentine’s Day Story

Once upon a time there was this little boy named Dylan. He was really excited about Valentine’s Day. Dylan really liked this girl in his class; he thought that she was beautiful. Dylan would always wake up in such a great mood because he knew he would see the girl of his dreams. She was young with very green eyes and she was also very thin. Her hair was long and golden, her skin color was pale and those tiny freckles that rested upon her face. Dylan wished he could be those freckles. He would always observe her in school. He really wanted to talk to her. She was the girl of his dreams. He never talked about her within his friends. All he knew was that he had to tell her how he felt about her. She was a gem to his eyes.

It was a week before Valentines Day. HE promised to himself that he would tell the girl he liked how he feel about her, but when the time came he couldn’t do it. What he ended up doing was; he went to the store and bought her a dozen roses like a boss, a bear, chocolates and jolly ranchers. He was very excited to give her the surprise.

It was finally Valentine’s Day. He went up to the girl of his dreams and told her the way he felt. The girl replied “The feeling is mutual” but she did not want to have a boyfriend for now. Dylan was sad, but at the same time he was happy to know that the girl he likes actually liked him back.

He ended up giving her the presents and she gladly thanked him. Dylan was very happy but as soon as she thanked him, Dylan had woken up.

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